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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dear Family and Friends,
I decided to do something new this year. Instead of the regular christmas card and family news letter I decided to notify you of our blog and let you decide if you wanted to know more about what the May Family is doing and has been doing this year.
So if you are reading this now, I guess you want to know a little more about what we have all been up to this year. So enjoy.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I don't know about you but 2008 has really flown by. It seems like it was just yesterday and it was the new year. Well some of our high lights from this past year are:

Grandpa and Alyssa

Uncle Henry feeding Alyssa some chocolate, she really did like it.

January~ We were able to welcome in the New Year with all of our children and our grand daughter who were still here from Christmas. We Celebrated Alyssa's first birthday before they had to return home to Provo to get back to school. I am so thrilled to be back working with the Young Women as the YW Pres.

Garr and Sally sledding in Utah.

February~ Had some icy days this month and the kids had some days off from school because of it. Which they didn't mind a bit. The stick figure tree's were beautiful in their ice crystal coverings.

Henry's Igloo he made after the snow storm.

Inside the Igloo.

March~ A sister from our branch started a book club and I decided that I don't read enough on my own and that a group might just be the thing for me. ( to date I have read 5 books and gone to all the discussion meetings and I am loving it!) I never considered myself a reader and I really wanted to become one! I am definitely on my way.

Sally and Garr after her graduation.

April~ We had a little bit of an earthquake on the 18th. 5.2 on the scale. Yes we do get earth quakes here in the mid-west. No damage but it shook our bed and woke us up. Sally graduated from BYU in April, she is the first of our kids to graduate from college and we are all very proud of her.

Dick plowing with his tractor.

Henry Thomas and Chris helping in the garden.

More of Dick on his favorite toy.

May~ Dick got out the tractor and plowed us up a really nice garden spot on part of our new 2 acres. With everything getting so expensive because of the $3.65 a gallon gas prices I decided a garden would be a good way to off set some of our expenses.

The sunset from our house.

June~ One of the things I love most about being in Young Women's again is being able to go to camp!! I love it. So I was willing and ready to go. It was the first week of this month and we went to Lincoln State Park (across the road from Lincoln's boyhood home) It was a luxury camp compared to what I am us to doing for camp. We got to stay in 4 room cabins with bed's and
mattresses, have a mess hall where women from the stake cooked our meals for us. And I got to be one of the girls as all I was really was required to do was do everything the girls did. Well I totally enjoyed it and am ready to go again next year! I love being able to work with Alice and the other Young Women from our branch. They are AMAZING!!

Sarah swimming at the condo in Park City.

Sarah and Henry in the pool.

Alice and Henry on the drive to go on a hike.

Some of the family that were at the Reunion in Park City.

Partial family picture on our hike.

July~ Alice, Henry, Tom, Chris and I were able to fly to Utah and visit with my sister Julie McCombs and her family. She so graciously invited us to come to Park City and stay in her condo with them for a week. Sally & Garr and Sarah were able to join us for a couple of days. I got to spend some quality time with my parents as we stayed in the same condo together. What an enjoyable week we shared making good memories and sharing old ones. Also got to spend some time with my brothers Aaron and David. And visit with my sister Liz and her husband Russ in their new home in Draper. What a blessing that was for us to be together with family again. Also it worked out that Sharon, Shirley and our good friend Kim were in Utah at the same time so I was able to meet with them and also Dick's sister Marla and some of the niece's and go out to lunch with them. It has been too long since I have had time with them. What a great opportunity that was for me!!

Henry in his football uniform.

August~ The garden has done really well and we have been blessed for our efforts. We had fresh sweet corn for 2 months, tomatoes, zucchini, spaghetti squash,and peppers. Also I planted watermelon and cantaloupe which took off and did really well. Good sized ones too! Our garden was a success!! I'm doing it again next year! Even had enough to can up allot of tomatoes and make some salsa. Henry is playing on his 8th grade football team and doing well.

The aftermath of Hurricane Ike.

The Tree that fell on the car.

Jesse and Katie's family pictures taken by the fabulous Melissa Folks.

September~ We got some wind from Hurricane IKE. I'm just glad that we didn't get it's full force. WE had about 75 mile and hour winds and lots of damage. In every neighborhood it looked like some one had come and pruned all of the tree's and not done a very good job. It came on a Sunday while we were at church. During Sunday school the Branch Pres. said that we all better go home. Before we could leave some one came in and said that a tree had fallen on some one's car in the parking lot. We'll guess who's car it was? Yes it was ours. It took about 6 big brethren to push it off. Luckily it was still drivable. We lost our power for 2 days and phone for 1. Luckily we still have our generators and didn't suffer too much. It made me appreciate all the daily things I take for granted. I have reached a new phase in my life. It is the mom at home alone phase. This year Chris, my number 7 is in 1st grade and in school all day. So that means that when I get everyone off to work and school I have the house all to myself. And you know what? I don't mind it a bit. I had contemplated going back to school, getting a job, or even volunteering at the school. But I decided that I would like to take a year off and get my life organized and work on me. Fill the cup so that I have more to give! I am enjoying it allot so far.

Chris in his Halloween Costume, he got it a week before and nearly wore it out before Halloween.

Henry with Chris's Clone trooper Helmet on. His version of a Ghetto Clone Trooper.

Alice's Batman pumpkin.

Thomas as Nacho Libre. I made the costume and he got quite a few compliments on it, I thought that it turned out really well too.

October~ As the gloom and doom of life goes on around us it is so nice to know that we have a prophet on earth that leads and guides us in these perilous times. General Conference was so uplifting and full of hope and optimism. Reminding us that this life is just part of our eternal journey. That if we keep our eye on the prize of eternal life with our Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ that we can weather any storm or hard times that are before us. If we are prepared we shall not fear.

Another cute picture of Alyssa taken by the amazing Melissa Folks.

November~ Because of the down turn in the economy they are laying off 100 people where Dick works, and making major cut backs in expenditures. He has been there for 7 years and worked for Alcoa for 31 years. He has been a good hard worker and the people he works with really like him and his abilities to help them with their problems. I prayed about it and got the feeling that all would be well and that he wouldn't get laid off. Well so far so good. I know the Lord has a hand in our lives and is blessing us. * They called a new branch presidency and so now Dick is on the Stake High Counsel. I know that he will do well.

Sarah, Sally, and Alice at our friend Elise Brigg's Wedding in Columbus.

All the girls at the wedding.

December~ We are looking forward to having Sarah( who is in her 3rd year at BYU-I), Sally (now graduated from BYU and working full time) and Garr (who is attending UVU) home for Christmas and New Years. We love being together as a family and sharing good times. We will miss Jesse, Katie and Alyssa as they are spending Christmas in Houston,TX looking for a home for this summer when they move there for Jesse's new job. Jesse and Katie will graduate from BYU this spring. She in Chemical Engineering and He in Electrical Engineering.

Dick and I have been truly blessed this past year. Good Health, Good Job, Good Home, Good Family and Amazing Friends. And Especially the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How our lives are blessed as we try to live what we know and share it with others. So to each of you we wish you a Merry Christmas and the most Joyous New Year (come what may). For as I know personally it is all for our growth and our good. To all of you from all of us LOVE ~JOY ~and PEACE. Love ~ Malinda, Dick and Family